COPYRIGHT law ensures the protection of original ideas once they are expressed in a tangible form. This covers a wide range of creative works, including photographs, paintings, poems, and written stories.
TRADEMARK law safeguards words, symbols, designs, or logos that uniquely identify and distinguish the source of goods or services.
PUBLICITY RIGHTS protect an individual’s name, image, and likeness. In simple terms, using someone’s personal identity for commercial purposes without their explicit permission is strictly prohibited.
If you suspect that your rights have been violated and your content has been used without proper authorization, please contact SHOP ALL STORE LLC by sending a Notice and Takedown Report to [email protected].
Your report must include the following:
- A link to the content infringing your rights
- Proof of ownership for the work (e.g., your website or supporting documentation)
- Your full name and a valid contact number
- Email subject line: “TAKEDOWN REPORT”
For further assistance or to address any concerns, please email us at [email protected], and we will respond promptly.